Understanding the Application is :
understanding of an application is a software (software) or computer program that is done on a particular system that was created and developed to perform certain commands.
The term application is taken from the English language "application" which can be interpreted as application or use. In particular, an application is a software or software application developed for the purpose of performing certain tasks.
In its development, applications can be categorized into three groups, approved :
- Desktop applications, which are applications that only run on a PC or laptop PC.
- Web applications, namely applications that are run using a computer and internet connection.
- Mobile application, which is an application that is run on a mobile device where for this category there are already many.
All applications are run by the operating system (OS) on the device. Some suggestions that indicate an application that is quality and useful for its users :
- Applications can meet user needs.
- Applications can run on multi-platform.
- Applications can respond quickly and require low resources (processor, memory, storage).
Understanding Applications According to Experts :
1. Hengky W. Pramana
According to Hengky W. Pramana, the notion of application is a device made specifically to meet the needs of various activities and work, for example; community service, commercial activities, advertising, games, and various other activities.
2. Harip Santoso
According to Santoso Harip, the definition of application is a group of files (reports, classes, forms) that are made to execute certain activities that are interconnected, for example; fixed asset applications and payroll applications.
3. Sri Widianti
According to Sri Widianti, the meaning of the application is software that is made as the front end of the system that is used to manage data so that it becomes useful information for users.
4. Rachmad Hakim S.
According to Rachmad Hakim S, the definition of application is software that is made for certain purposes, for example; to process documents, games, and so on.
5. Ali Zaki and Smitdev Communities
According to Ali Zaki and the Smitdev Community, the notion of application is a useful component as a medium for managing data processing or other activities, for example; create and process files or documents.
Application function :
As discussed earlier in the application the understanding of providing applications and convenience for humans in various fields of life. The following are some of the following application functions:
1. Education
In the field of education the application has a function as a supporting material. Examples of applications that are useful for presenting material that is equipped with animations to make it more attractive like Microsoft PowerPoint. More comfortable than more comfortable and can achieve maximum results.
2. Field of Medicine
The role of the application also reaches the medical field. For example, with the application, it can help doctors diagnose diseases, mix and offer routine care. Nowadays, many have developed applications published in the medical world.
3. Business Field
In the business field, the application has a function to help calculate the profit gained. Because in some cases done manually it will take a long time for an application to be needed.
4. Science
In the field of science applications help to obtain information relating to knowledge. Many applications developed also help in research, especially related to science.
In addition, recently also applications that can bring together students who want teachers or teachers or experts
5. Military Field
It turns out that the application also has a function in the military field. The function of the application in the military field is to control the aircraft so that it is no longer done manually. Thus the results obtained will be more optimal using manual methods.
Application Classification :
To make it easier to recognize the types of applications, applications can be grouped into seven types. Following are the following application groupings :
- System Software, which is an application that can control and control the internal operation processes in a computer system.
- Real Time Software, an application that has a function to move, analyze, and control an event in the real world while it is in progress.
- Business Software, which is an application designed and developed for business purposes, for example for the financial system.
- Engineering and Scientific Software, an application created and developed to help humans solve problems that are non-algorithmic in nature.
- Web Based Software, which is an application that has a function as a media link between users and the internet directly.
- Personal Computer Software, which is an application that is used for official user devices and personal devices that are already widely used today.
Application Example :
There are lots of applications that are often used by computer and mobile devices in their daily activities. The following are some examples of applications that are widely used :
- Microsoft Word, which is an application for creating, editing, reading, and processing documents.
- Microsoft Excel, which is an application to help process numbers and create calculation tables.
- Microsoft Powerpoint, which is an application that creates and displays data that is presentative.
- Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, which is an application that is used to process image files.
- Winamp, GOM Player, Windows Media Player, an application that is used to play songs or videos in various formats.
- Adobe Reader, which is an application that runs to read documents with extensions .doc, .docx, and .pdf.
- Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, which is a web browser application that serves to help computer users access the internet.
Thus a complete explanation of the meaning of applications, functions, classifications, and examples of applications that are widely used by humans. Hopefully this article is useful and adds to your insight.