Understanding Database and Examples, Functions, Benefits, Types, and Components

Definition of Database or database is a collection of various data and information stored and arranged in a complete computer, can be processed or manipulated using computer programs to obtain information from the database.

The software used to manage and call the database is called the database management system.

The database itself supports the collection of data that are interrelated with each other where the purpose of the database can be used to manage data more effectively and efficiently.

Database of Understanding According to Experts :

1. Jogiyanto

According to Jogiyanto the notion of a database is a collection of information and data that are interconnected with each other, where the data is stored in deposits outside the computer and special software is needed to manipulate it.

2. Abdul Kadir

According to Abdul Kadir, the understanding of database or database is an organization of a set of data that are interconnected so as to facilitate activities to obtain information.

3. S. Atte

According to S. Atte, a database or database is a collection of interconnected data in an organization or business with various uses.

4. Fabbri and Schwab

According to the Fabbri and Schwab resolutions database or base is a system that contains data specifically designed for repetition or redundancy.

5. Toni Fabbri

According to Toni Fabbri, the database or database is a system of files and data that is integrated where the files and data have the main key to repeat data.

6. Gordon C. Everest

According to Gordon C. Everest, database resolution is a collection of data that is mechanical, divided, formally defined, and controlled. This control applies to an organization.

7. Date C.J.

According to C.J. Date of understanding database is the collection of data / operational information that is intentionally stored and also used by the application system of an organization.

Database Function : 

After understanding the database, of course we also have to understand the functions of the database. The following are some database functions :
  1. Group data and information so that it is easier to understand
  2. Prevent receiving duplicate data or data inconsistencies
  3. Facilitate the process of storing, accessing, updating, and installing data.
  4. Maintain the quality of data and information in accordance with the input.
  5. Helps large data storage process
  6. Helps improve applications that require data storage
Benefits of Database :

Before knowing what types of software can be used to compile a database, follow the following benefits that can be obtained if working with a database system :

1. Data Base Redundancy Does Not Happen

As mentioned in the previous understanding database, the database can help collect redundancy data. Redundancy itself is multiple data in different files.

2. Maintained Data Integrity

The database ensures high data integrity while the database will ensure the accuracy, accessibility, consistency and high quality of data.

3. Independence of Maintained Data

Databases maintain data independence while others cannot change data while data is accessible.

4. Ease of Data Sharing

Using database software can be used to share data or information with other fellow users.

5. Maintaining Data Security

The data base ensures the security of information and data, where you can insert access codes for certain data that cannot be accessed together.

6. Ease of Data Access

With the database it can make it easy to access and get data because all data is well organized.

Type databases : 

Special software is needed to store and retrieve data and information from the database. This software is often called the Base Management System Data (DBMS).

The following is the database type :
  1. Analytical database; namely the database for storing information and data taken from operational and external databases
  2. Operational database; namely a database that stores data needed to support the operation of an entire organization
  3. Distributed database; namely local database working groups and departments in various offices and other work locations.
  4. Data warehouse; namely the data warehouse that stores various data from previous years to date.
  5. End user database; i.e. end user database consisting of various data files developed from end users on their workstations.
  6. Real time database; that is a processing system designed to contain the work of a country that can change, data that is continuous and some are not questionable about time.
  7. Document oriented database; namely one of the computer software that is made for applications and document oriented.
  8. In the memory database; i.e. a database that relies on memory to store information / data on a computer
  9. Navigation database; in database navigation, requests find objects to obtain references from certain objects
  10. Hypermedia database on the web; a set of interconnected multimedia pages in a website, which consists of homepages and hyperlinks from multimedia (images, text, audio graphics, etc.
  11. External database; database that provides outside access, and online personal data
  12. Relational database; is a business computing standard, and the most commonly used basic data today.
 Types of Software Databases :

After understanding the database and the benefits that can be obtained if you use a software database, here are the best types of software databases that you can use :

1. Microsoft Access

One of these database software is the most frequently used. Microsoft Access is very suitable for most related computers. In addition, if you do business on a home scale, you can choose a database system because it is very light to use and the data format is very general, making it easier to read.

2. Oracle

This software database is very capable of storing data with a maximum size of up to tera bytes. Oracle is most popularly used in developing companies because it is available for free to access.

3. Ms SQL Server

This database software is a database management commonly used in Microsoft with the programming language used is Transact-SQL. The data types used are quite large so it is very effective to support you.

4. MySQL

One database software that opens access to the public and is compatible with Windows or Linux operating systems. The advantages that you can use using the MySQL program can be used for many users. Other advantages and MySQL are available free, official data requests are fast and profitable.

5. Firebird

You could say this database software has standard and lightweight system features, namely ANS SQL-99 and SQL-2003 features. Compatible for use on Windows, Linux or Unix operating systems.

6. Postgresql

The database system wins opensource with a GPL / General Public License. This software uses the programming language C ++, C, SQL, PHP and others. If used for personal work, then this software is highly recommended for use.

Well, so it's a general review of the understanding of databases, database functions, components, types of databases, as well as profits and types of database software that you can use. By choosing the right type of database, your work can be well organized.

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